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Benefits of Neem leaves for skin and hair care

We all know, neem is a medicinal plant. Whose pulses, leaves, juice are all useful. Neem is very effective in killing viruses and bacteria. And it also helps to increase the immunity.

Benefits of Neem leaves for skin and hair care

Benefits of Neem:


Neem has been used in beautifications for a long time. Neem works very well to remove skin spots. It also acts as a skin moisturizer. Neem leaves paste helps to get rid of acne. Many people have itchy scalp. Regular application of neem leaf juice on the scalp reduces itching. Regular application of neem leaves paste with raw turmeric increases skin glow and improves skin tone.


The use of neem leaves is quite effective to get bright, beautiful and eye-catching hair. When shampooing to get rid of dandruff, massage the hair with neem leaves boiled water and wash it well. Dandruff will go away. The use of neem leaves for hair is unique. One day in a week, apply the neem leaves paste on the hair and keep it for about one hour. Now wash it well after one hour. You will see that the hair will be soft and smooth with the reduction of hair fall.

Dental disease:

Miswak with neem stalks has been used for dental health since ancient times. Regular brushing of teeth with neem leaves and bark powder or neem stalks will strengthen the teeth and also protect them from dental diseases.


Children get sick when there are worms in the stomach. The face of the children becomes pale. Neem leaves helps to eradicate stomach worms in children.


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