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Surprising discoveries in this year 2021

There is a story with every ancient things. Finding something like that means that the story comes to the fore anew, a new history unfolds. And if it is something to popular, then there is no point. 

This year too, some ancient popular relics have been found. Byzantine ring and whole city are among them. CNN has published a list of some of the ancient archeology found in 2021.

archeological artifact in 2021, surprising discoveries

Byzantine gold ring

Gold ring. Laying purple stones on top. The thousand-year-old ring was found in the Israeli town of Yavne. Last November, the Israeli Antiquities Department reported the discovery of the ring. The valuable ring is thought to have been owned by a wealthy man during the Byzantine period. He lived in Israel sometime between the third and seventh centuries.

Rembrandt's Lost Paintings

Three people have come to meet the baby 'Jesus Christ' for the first time. There was a painting on the wall of a village in Italy about this meeting. It fell on the floor in 2016 and was damaged. Later, while going for repairs, surprising information came to the fore. It is known that it is not an ordinary painting at all. This year, the Heritage Foundation of Italy says, It is the creation of the famous painter Rembrandt- name 'The Adoration of Maggie'. It was painted from 1632 to 1633. For many years there was no trace of it. 

An entire lost city in the heart of the desert

Egypt means mine of ancient monuments. This year, an entire ancient city has been discovered in the heart of the country's desert. Experts say the city is 3,000 years old. It is by far the largest ancient city to be found in Egypt. This lost city was found in the city of Luxor in Egypt in 2020. Archaeologists have been digging there ever since. Most of the southern part of the city was visible until last April. Betsy Bryan, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, said the discovery of the lost city was the biggest discovery since Tutankhamen's tomb. The things in the houses of the city are as if they were used yesterday.

The oldest cave paintings of animals

It has long been thought that the oldest cave paintings were found only in Europe. This thought is already proved wrong. Ancient man-made paintings have also been found in caves in Indonesia. 

When you hear the year and date of drawing them, your eyes will rise to your forehead. You have to be surprised to hear the year and date of drawing them. A 45,500-year-old painting has recently been found on a cave wall on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. It is thought to be the oldest surviving cave painting. The cave painting depicts three pig-like creatures standing side by side. Earlier, some more cave paintings were found in the same area. One of them is 43,900 years old.

Gold masks in the sacrificial pit

One hundred years ago. A local farmer suddenly discovered an archeological site near the Chinese city of Chengdu. Since then, thousands of archeological specimens have been recovered from there. Last June, about 500 specimens were excavated from a few sacrificial holes at the Sanxingdui site. Among them was a broken mask made of gold. It belongs to the Shang dynasty. This dynasty ruled China until 1048 BC.

Oldest European Artifacts (small glass beads)

In the eastern part of the state of Alaska in the United States, some small beads were excavated in the middle of the twentieth century. The beads were made in Europe. Experts believe that those are one of the first European-made materials to reach North America. They were taken from Europe to North America before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. 

The University of Alaska Fairbanks published a study last January. According to the study, the beads were taken in North America between 1440 and 1480. Columbus arrived in the United States in 1492, several years later. The University of Alaska Fairbanks says that in the 14th century, there were trade relations between Venice Italy, and Asia. At that time the beads may have reached China from Europe via Silk Road. From there it goes to the far east of Russia. Then crossed the Bering Strait and found their way to North America via the Arctic.


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