There were some civilizations and cities in the history of the world that were lost long ago. But even today they are covered with a full of mystery. Researchers are still trying to figure out what the real history is. But still it's just a mystery!
Petra is one such ancient Arab city. The city of Petra is built into a cave. It was a powerful kingdom in the 4th century BC, and about 20,000 people gathered daily for trade and commerce. The inhabitants of this city affectionately called the city Nabataeans. The most famous of the ancient buildings built on solid stone walls is the temple named 'Khaznet Pharaoh'. This temple is also known as the treasure of the pharaohs. There is also a hemispherical theater where about 3,000 spectators can sit together. The city can also be called a highly fortified fortress. The city of Petra was the capital of the Nabataean kingdom from 400 BC to 200 BC. At that time the city was completely prosperous, Petra was the strongest. At different times, the city was gradually destroyed by the occupation of different nations.
A catastrophic earthquake in 363 damaged 50 percent of the city. Many speculate that the city may have been attacked by aliens.
After being unknown for many years, the ancient city was brought to the attention of the Western world in 1812 by the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. The city is still the center of attraction for visitors. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. But the reason why the city was abandoned is still a mystery to everyone.
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